total comments: 33

  1. There will be an update for next week PI.
    You will be able to play 5 rotator and 5 swap PI levels and you will be able to choose which you want to play in "Rotate" or "Swap" mode.
    But this week you can play in a "Party mode" :)
    Choose your favorite style for any level

  2. Congratulations on Pictureit 300. Love contributing each week and having so much fun guessing our friends pictures. Thank you for all the fun you have given us for Pictureit Guntars!! We all Love you!

  3. If you find that you have finished a puzzle and you don't get the "Well Done" just back out and it shows that you have completed the puzzle. Little bit of a bug Guntars

  4. Another Weekend another Pictureit "Well Done" Thank you Guntars!

    Now I'm not sure if i like the option to decide which pictures to rotate and which pictures to swap. I think i'd prefer to go back to you doing them randomly, to be honest.

    So here's my guesses for the week, there were lots of trees!
    Jim i'll take a stab and say the camp ground?
    Joe the big tree in blossom, bottom center picture
    Yvonne the blossoms, bottom left picture
    LadyUpStairs the upside down cups

  5. Thanks for Picture It Demo, 6 years ... I remember .... etc etc.
    They're always a relaxing moment in the weekend.

  6. Nice idea to give us the choice of modes, but it does mean we won't be able to bitch and moan about how difficult a particular scene is!

    Thanks for the game, can't believe I've played 300 of these.

  7. Thank you Guntars ♥ I'm easy, twist/swap I don't mind :) thank you for 300 PI's looking forward to many more.

    Austen, lovely dog, Jim, picnic area, Joe, broken tree, Sharon back garden

  8. Congrats on Picture It 300. Enjoyed doing them all in swap mode. Thanks for giving us the choice. Also loved the collage with the pics from PI 100 - still remember Dutchie's pallets with pain.

  9. Also thanks Arrie for being the one to start sending in your own pictures. You started a great tradition.

  10. Wow 300! Congrats there Guntars. And I like the new option. Did the swap on all but one.

    So guesses

    Lets start off with Austen and the table of booze. Gotta have something to do during lock down.
    Yvonne, the blossom tree.
    Sharon, back yard?
    Arrie, the plane
    Joe, the other blossom tree with house
    LUS, upside down cups?

    Thanks everyone. Stay healthy and safe.

  11. 300! Woohoo!!, I really like the idea of choosing swap vs rotate. Too be honest,I've always run the rotates first to get them out of the way and save the swaps for last.

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  13. I only do the swap puzzles and try to make it through without making any errors - a silly challenge I set out for myself. So I love being able to choose the swap mode. Thanks.

  14. Congratulations!!!hope sniffmouse real world escape 206 soon!~~~~

  15. Congraas on 300 Picture its. And thank for the shout ou to Selfdefiant :)

  16. Love the option to choose - I never play the rotate puzzles. I wasn't able to get the teapot/cup game to play in swap mode, but all the others were great.

  17. Happy 300th!

    About choosing option -- I'm quite an anarchistic person otherwise, but here I'm with Sharon, I don't like so much to choose myself. I think that a game must have its rules, not that you choose new rules for every game.

    And I like that the 8 games together have always lasted for me for about a side of a playing record or appr. 20 minutes. Now I choose the swap option, and this makes the whole game longer, because the rotation puzzles were very quick. And I don't like long games, I don't have enough patience.

    But most of the players prefer the new option, so maybe I try with such a proposition: let people choose in the beginning of the whole game if they want to choose themselves or play the versions that are preset by you.

  18. My version for the next game:
    You must choose 5 swap and 5 rotate puzzles no more or less to finish the game !
    You can choose which you want to switch and which you want to rotate ...

    My second option:
    Choose the difficulty level:
    1st(beginner): you can choose whatever you like
    2nd(medium): 5 rotating, 5 switch, but you can choose, where you want to switch and where rotate
    3rd(grand master level of PI) all of the puzzles are in "Switch mode"

    I would like to hear your comments

  19. Hey Demo. Thanks for asking our opinions. That matters. I like your 2nd option. Gives people the most choices.

  20. Now I have played with a pause all the puzzles -- as I have much more records than one side of one record for background music and enough Pilsner Urquell and genuine not so soft drinks -- and changed my opinion, I actually started to like that I can choose myself, Tried to play only swap versions, but the tree flowers (was that an apple tree?) were too much and tedious for my weak eyes and patience, so I took the rotating version of that one.

    I think your second option is acceptable. I would not take the 5/5 option, because I probably prefer more swapping, and also not all 10 swapping, because some of them would be too painful for my eyes, but I can always choose the beginner level and choose all swaps except 1 or 2 per game if necessary. It's good to be a beginner again, although I've been quite an expert in picture puzzles.

  21. TaT

    Yes Sharon, mine was the blossoms :)

  22. A difficulty setting sounds like a good option to me. I still would like to take it one step further with one ultimate mixed swap/rotate picture. But hey I like crazy. Or you could just pick one submitted picture from everyone and make them swappers.

  23. Oh by the way, Tuesday tell.

    Mine was

    the vacant campground. Almost everywhere out there looks deserted.

  24. I like all the options but option 2 gives the most flexibility
    I guess we can always come back and choose another way
    BY THe way
    Mine was the tree in the middle...No 2
    Life and nature go on despite Corona and the other broken stump cause life and nature go on despite corona.
    All be safe

  25. Yay me!! I got them all correct this time.

    Oh btw Yvonne and Jim you got mine right. The neighbors tree broke and i grabbed a picture of it. From our hall upstairs you can see his yard and i thought OMG the tree fell. So I went out to the backyard and saw part of the tree missing. Glad no one was hurt.

  26. Andrea' s picture was the airplane flying with an add behind it.
    Mine was the collage. Btw, the very first Picture It has no number. I couldn't find it back here on the site? I had to search some where else for it.

  27. As for the options, I agree with Joe. Both are good. The idea of choosing is just very nice.

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